Saturday, August 31, 2013

My First Day of High School

        When I woke up on Wednesday morning, it hadn't quite hit me that I was starting my freshman year. It just seemed that another year of school was coming along. I wasn't nervous at all until I had finally gotten to the school. Once I had gotten there, I had to get my schedule, locker, and locker combination. I admit when I got my schedule and looked over it for the first time I panicked a little. The worst possible thoughts ran through my mind. I thought about myself walking into the wrong classroom by accident, getting lost and forgetting where my locker was, forgetting what my combination was, and any other possible thought a freshman could have. After I put my belongings in my locker, my counselor showed me where my first class was. I met my teacher and took my seat right away. After that class was over, I was still a little nervous but I tried my best to ignore it. The rest of the day seemed to have gone by quickly and smoothly. In fact, I didn't go into the wrong classroom once. Although, I do admit that I couldn't get my locker open a few times but luckily I knew the senior next to me and she helped me with it. Overall, my first day of high school went well and I realized there was nothing to worry about. I’m extremely excited to see what else will happen with the rest of the school year! 

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