Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Five Point Action Plan

To be honest, I haven’t quite thoroughly thought out what my goals will be for this upcoming school year, but I do have a rough idea of what I would like to achieve. My first goal is to maintain at least an 85% or above in each class. To do this, I will study each night even if I think I know everything. I will also turn in any homework or projects in time. Another one of my goals is to make new friends. I’m not saying my current friends aren't good enough, I just think that it’s a smart idea to talk to new people since you are starting high school. My third goal is to make sure no one is ever left out. When I say this, I mean that no one is sitting alone at lunch or doesn't have anyone to talk to.  If I see someone sitting alone, I’ll ask them if they want to sit over with me and my group of friends. If someone asks to sit with me at lunch, then obviously I would say yes. Another thing I’ll have to do in order to succeed in high school is to take good notes. I’ll need to focus on what the teacher is saying while writing down the important things that will help me study for the quizzes or tests. The last goal that I have for this year is to stay organized. In order to do this, I will check my teachers’ webpages daily for any upcoming due dates. I will also not wait until the last minute to do any projects. Instead, I will work on them little by little until everything is completed. Hopefully, when I look back at this list at the end of the year, I will have completed all of my five points on my action plan. 

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