Saturday, December 14, 2013

Last Blog Until January

    This is the last blog until next year oh my. Today in class, we reviewed what would be on the exam. We surprisingly did pretty well and got the basic summary of each topic in a span of 48 minutes. It was helpful that we have an outline of whats going to be on the exam because I have more of a general idea of what to study. This whole entire weekend I'm going to be studying for exams. I'm not looking forward to them at all, but at least once they're over that means we are on break which is good. Once we're on break that means that Christmas is literally a few days away.  If you ask me what my favorite holiday is, I would instantly tell you that it was Christmas. Its just a really cheery time and everyone is usually in a good mood, which is a plus.  Christmas is also my favorite holiday because seeing all of the decorations up makes me happy too. When it snows, all of the lights look even prettier at night. I'm hoping that it is a white Christmas this year because that is always the best. There's only eleven more days till Christmas as of right now.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

2 Hours Late Yay

    Today class was really short because it was two hours late from all the snow so the classes became shorter. In class, we went over the test answers for the test on microfinance. The test was really easy, I only got one wrong which ended up  being a 93%. After we went over the test, we talked a little bit about exams. Exams are next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The day of exams are also half days which is good. Since we're freshmen, this is our first time taking exams and I already know that I don't like them. I mean who would like exams? In order to get ready for my exams, I'm going to go over all of my tests that we have taken throughout this semester along with all of my notes that I have taken. I think that if I do this, then I will be able to walk into the exams confident.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Microfinance Test

    Today in class we took a test on microfinance. It was worth 100 points. The test was really easy in my opinion. On the test there were questions about KIVA along with questions about microfinance in general. I think I did really well on it. Before we took the test, we were all really loud, which doesn't surprise me. We were even more loud then usual. Mr. Schick told us that we couldn't talk once the test was given out but as soon as he placed the first test down Arri said, "I have a question". That didn't surprise me at all because he always has a question. Right now, Mr. Schick is down the hall grading our test. We're all trying to be as quiet as we can. Whenever anyone goes to say something, someone else just shushes them. Its really weird because we're never this quiet but its actually pretty nice. Most of us are either sitting there starring off into space or is on their computer. That's basically the only thing that's going on right now.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Good Day with The Review of Microfinance

    At the beginning of class we talked about the academic team. Mr. Schick told us how they lost to a team that they beat last year 20 to 2 (?) but instead they beat the highest ranked team. That's pretty good if you ask me. I think it could be kind of fun to join the academic team yet I don't know as much as the others and I usually can't think on the spot. It would also look extremely good on your college application which is always a great thing. After that we reviewed the Power Point on microfinance. Since Mr. Schick was really busy last night, he only got four slides done so we reviewed them. I remember that the last slide that he had done was talking about malarial. During the review, there was something about how people borrow money to start a business or to get medicine or medical drugs. Well, Alexa thought that he meant the drugs that aren't used for medical purposes so she was like, "drugs?!" and I was just like, " No, not the bad drugs Alexa". For some odd reason, we thought that it was the funniest thing that ever happened and neither of us could stop laughing. I eventually had to turn my back to her because I was laughing so hard and every time I saw her laughing, I started to laugh even harder. After we calmed down, I was in such a great mood. Once again, I left the class in a better mood then I was in before.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Microfinance Questions or Answers

1. What is microfinance? 
           - A general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services.  

2. What are the benefits of microfinance? 
            - saving accounts, fund transfers, loans, and insurance

3. How many deaths are caused by malarial?
            - 655,000 people 

4. Name three problems in developing countries that can be helped by microfinance.
           - droughts, malarial, and polluted water 

5. How do loans affect small businesses?
           -  Loans help small businesses to get a kick start with their business.

6. In what year did scientists discover the cause of malarial?
           - 1880

7. What is malarial? 
         - life threatening disease transmitted by mosquito

8. Are there any cures for malarial?
        - No, because the doctors are trying to find a Racine for it. 

9. How can we improve microfinance? 
        - We need to think of a solution to give people a chance to have a better life. 

10. What is a micro lender?
         - It is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Another Funeral

I wasn't in class today because I had to go to another funeral for my great uncle.