Friday, December 6, 2013

Microfinance Test

    Today in class we took a test on microfinance. It was worth 100 points. The test was really easy in my opinion. On the test there were questions about KIVA along with questions about microfinance in general. I think I did really well on it. Before we took the test, we were all really loud, which doesn't surprise me. We were even more loud then usual. Mr. Schick told us that we couldn't talk once the test was given out but as soon as he placed the first test down Arri said, "I have a question". That didn't surprise me at all because he always has a question. Right now, Mr. Schick is down the hall grading our test. We're all trying to be as quiet as we can. Whenever anyone goes to say something, someone else just shushes them. Its really weird because we're never this quiet but its actually pretty nice. Most of us are either sitting there starring off into space or is on their computer. That's basically the only thing that's going on right now.

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