Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Good Day with The Review of Microfinance

    At the beginning of class we talked about the academic team. Mr. Schick told us how they lost to a team that they beat last year 20 to 2 (?) but instead they beat the highest ranked team. That's pretty good if you ask me. I think it could be kind of fun to join the academic team yet I don't know as much as the others and I usually can't think on the spot. It would also look extremely good on your college application which is always a great thing. After that we reviewed the Power Point on microfinance. Since Mr. Schick was really busy last night, he only got four slides done so we reviewed them. I remember that the last slide that he had done was talking about malarial. During the review, there was something about how people borrow money to start a business or to get medicine or medical drugs. Well, Alexa thought that he meant the drugs that aren't used for medical purposes so she was like, "drugs?!" and I was just like, " No, not the bad drugs Alexa". For some odd reason, we thought that it was the funniest thing that ever happened and neither of us could stop laughing. I eventually had to turn my back to her because I was laughing so hard and every time I saw her laughing, I started to laugh even harder. After we calmed down, I was in such a great mood. Once again, I left the class in a better mood then I was in before.

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