Wednesday, December 11, 2013

2 Hours Late Yay

    Today class was really short because it was two hours late from all the snow so the classes became shorter. In class, we went over the test answers for the test on microfinance. The test was really easy, I only got one wrong which ended up  being a 93%. After we went over the test, we talked a little bit about exams. Exams are next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The day of exams are also half days which is good. Since we're freshmen, this is our first time taking exams and I already know that I don't like them. I mean who would like exams? In order to get ready for my exams, I'm going to go over all of my tests that we have taken throughout this semester along with all of my notes that I have taken. I think that if I do this, then I will be able to walk into the exams confident.

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