Saturday, December 14, 2013

Last Blog Until January

    This is the last blog until next year oh my. Today in class, we reviewed what would be on the exam. We surprisingly did pretty well and got the basic summary of each topic in a span of 48 minutes. It was helpful that we have an outline of whats going to be on the exam because I have more of a general idea of what to study. This whole entire weekend I'm going to be studying for exams. I'm not looking forward to them at all, but at least once they're over that means we are on break which is good. Once we're on break that means that Christmas is literally a few days away.  If you ask me what my favorite holiday is, I would instantly tell you that it was Christmas. Its just a really cheery time and everyone is usually in a good mood, which is a plus.  Christmas is also my favorite holiday because seeing all of the decorations up makes me happy too. When it snows, all of the lights look even prettier at night. I'm hoping that it is a white Christmas this year because that is always the best. There's only eleven more days till Christmas as of right now.

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