Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel

    Today in class, we watched a movie called "Guns, Germs, and Steel". It was about a man named Jared Diamond who studied the New Guinean life style and how it developed to what it is today. As he was researching, he discovered that New Guinea was not as developed as the rest of the world was. This was because they had to focus of the process of them hunting for their own food then them trying to get the newest technology available. If they did not find the food on their own, then they would starve and die from malnutrition. His theory was that there are people out there who couldn't thrive, prosper, and form cities like other parts of the world because they had to put more effort into feeding themselves first. I agree with his theory because there are people who have to find their own food daily because the do not have the right things in order to create their own. They cannot make some of the food that other developed countries can. Every day they spend most of their energy on finding their food. When they find their food, it doesn't give them enough energy to replenish what they used to get their food. If the civilizations that are not fully developed had a larger food supply, then maybe they would become just as developed as the other countries.

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