Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review Day-- Guns, Germs, and Steel

    Today in class we talked about the movie and the things that we needed to know for the quiz on Friday. For the quiz, we have to know the hobbies and jobs of Jared Diamond. Diamond was a bird watcher, a cultural anthropologist, professor at UCLA, and a best selling author. In New Guinea, they use the term 'cargo' to describe material possessions that the white men owned. When the white people came over from Britain, they saw the natives and thought that they were superior to them because they had more possessions then them and were a different color. They thought that they were dumb and made them carry them across the river so they wouldn't get wet. The three things that made a great civilization progress was advanced technology, large populations, and specialized workers. The best place for civilizations to start was the Mesopotamia. Papa New Guinea is the only place that is culturally behind the rest of the world. Draah is the first developed city that survived because it had a separate place to store the grains so they would not parish. The most important factor of a good civilization is location. If you didn't have 'geographic luck', then it was rare for that civilization to continue to thrive. The following animals were the 14 animals that helped early civilizations develop: goats, sheep, pigs, calves, horses, donkeys, Bactrian camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yaks, mithans, and Bali cattle.

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