Saturday, January 11, 2014

Urbanization- Day 3

     Today in class, we talked about the different types of urbanizations.  The Greek cities became highly urbanized by 500 BCE. They were made up of a network of more than 500 cities and towns and were usually located on the mainland and on islands. Theses cities each had an acropolis and an agora, also known as their gathering place. The Roman cities were a system made up of cities and small towns that were linked together with hundreds of miles of road and seas routes. This created the saying "All roads link to Rome". The sites of Roman cities were typical for trade. Each city had a Forum which was combined of the acropolis and agora into one space. Also, Roman cities had extreme wealth and extreme poverty. The amount of poverty was between one third and two thirds of the empire's population was enslaved. We also talked about The Second Urban Revolution. The Second Urban Revolution was a large scale movement of people from cities to work in manufacturing. It was made possible by the second agricultural revolution which improved food production and created a larger surplus of food. Also, the industrialization encouraged the growth of cities near industrial resources. In present day, many factories have been abandoned creating "rust belts" out of once-thriving industrial districts.

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