Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Poor Little Small Businesses

    Today, we had a class discussion about small businesses. First we stated that many small businesses can get a start to their "life" by the benefits of microfinance. These benefits consist of saving accounts, fund transfers, loans, and insurances. A small business may use one of these things in order to start off everything, but they will have to pay the loaners back the money they used. After we established this, we talked about how the big businesses are kicking out the small business. The bigger businesses, the ones with more money, will either buy out the smaller businesses or they might move nearby and attract all the costumers to their store. This causes the smaller businesses to lose costumers which mean they aren't making any money. If they're not making money, then it is no use in having the small business.

Think of it this way...
       he big businesses are the big kids and the small businesses will be the younger kids. The small kids make a little lemonade stand one day because they want to earn some money so they can go buy this brand new toy that everyone has. They borrow the ingredients and other necessary items from their mom, who they have to pay back. The little kid's stand is going pretty well for a lemonade stand when suddenly, the big kids across the street make a lemonade stand too. The big kid's stand has regular lemonade, pink lemonade, and cookies while the other stand only has regular lemonade. As the day goes on, more people go to the big kid's stand because they have more of a variety of choices. The smaller stand only gets a few more costumers for the rest of the day. After the day is over, the smaller stand checks its income to find that they did not make enough money for the toy nor enough to pay back their loaner. This causes them to shut down the stand and "go out of business". When the bigger stand sees this, they go over to the old spot and start to build another stand for their lemonade business.

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