Monday, November 18, 2013


   Today in class, we started our Webquest that we will be working on for the next few days. The whole things is revolved around the concept of Economic Geography. The four benefits of microfinance to individuals living in poverty are: saving accounts, fund transfers, loans, and insurances. You might even have a few of these things and not even know it! Instead of having a lecture or learning from a Power Point like usual, we're trying something new with this Webquest. Basically, we're supposed to do this game where we are the Peace Corps and we have to make the right decisions in order to help the town survive after you leave in two years. For example, you might have to choose what invention deserves a lone and will be the most helpful to the community. The game is alright I guess. It's not my favorite but whatever I'll deal with it. Oh, and don't forget no one in this game or story is real because *insert Gollum voice* it's all in your mind.

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