Tuesday, September 3, 2013


   Today in class, we reviewed all of the words we had to define over the weekend. We shared everything that we learned about each topic. An agora was a meeting place back then in Ancient Greece where basically everything happened. Voting, meetings, and sports events were some things that went on there. Arete means living to your highest potential of excellence. Also it meant to try to be the best possible person that you could be. We also talked about what happened in 508 BC. In 508 BC, the Greek citizens overthrew their ruler. It was the first time in human history that a group of people did that. The citizens then created a democracy. They made their own branches of government so everyone would have a say in what would go on in the community. Socrates was a Greek philosopher and was one of the founders of the systematized form of basic teaching which many teachers use today.  In his mid-seventies, he was put on trial for “dissing the gods” and corrupting the Athens’ youth. He was given two options, execution or forced suicide. Socrates chose to drink the poison called Hemlock. Hemlock would numb your body completely and would basically suffocate you.

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