Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Globalization: Day 2

    In class today, we continued to talk about globalization. You can use the word interconnected to describe globalization. Interconnected means to some how be connected with another human or thing. Being bilingual is becoming more and more common due to globalization. It allows cultures to become closer together if they can all understand the same language. Some languages, like English and Mandarin, are becoming used by millions of more people. Shipping containers also helped globalization. They helped because they make it easier to export and import a huge quantity of goods to and from places. They allow us to get products that we cannot develop or grow over in the United States. After World War 2 ended, the United Nations (UN) was created. It was created so that many countries could get together and talk everything out instead of going to war. The main headquarters is located in New York, New York where it has flags that represent each country. This is where they talk about what is needed to be done in order to keep everyone safe all over the world. Globalization keeps the world all connected together by many attributes.

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