Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Globalization PowerPoint

   Today we all presented our power points that we've been working on. We've been working on this "project" for a few days now in class. Our power point had to be about globalization. We had to define what globalization exactly is and also list pros and cons. A pro of globalization is that it has decreased poverty. In some countries, like China. India, Uganda, and Vietnam, they have opened up to the economy and have decreased their amount of poverty. In China, their poverty rate went from 60% to 16% between the years 1990 and 2005. While globalization has pros, it also has cons. Globalization only makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It give better benefits towards the mangers and investors than the workers. Also, globalization has led to the exploitation of labor. This means that many children are coerced into working for places with inhumane conditions. After we all presented, we went over what we needed to know for the first test of the school year. We found out what would be on the test and what we needed to study. Hopefully, the information will still be fresh in my mind when it comes time to take the test!

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