Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Just Don't Do It"

   After Nike didn't take care of the sweatshop situation in Indonesia, many people protested against them. The protesters' slogan "Just Don't Do It" caught Nike's attention. People were boycotting all Nike products due to the unfair labor practices. This had an extreme effect on the money they were making. Nike knew they had to do something about it before it got worse. They claimed they had fixed the problem. They said that they improved the working conditions and safety hazards in the sweatshops. Also, they raised the minimum wage to $3.70 per day. Little did they tell you that they hired military officials to coerce the workers into agreeing to the amount they are paid. In Indonesia, the minimum wage is $4.00 unless the worker signs an agreement paper saying that its okay to pay them less. Nike used the military officials to pressure the workers to sign the agreement even if they didn't like it. The workers would sign them relentlessly because they knew that they needed the job in order to support their family needs. Some articles leave that last detail out when they are covering the story while others add it in. That's why you always have to look even more in depth for left out facts.

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