Monday, September 30, 2013

Review on CIA Factbook

   Today in class, we reviewed our answers from our homework over the weekend. For homework, we had to answer twenty five questions that Mr. Schick gave us. We had to use the CIA Factbook to find the answers. As we went over the questions in class, we talked about each answer before moving on to the next question. If we got any of the answers wrong, it was a good idea to correct them. I think that the two things that I remember most is how high the United States is located on the HIV/AIDS death chart. Its ranked number 18 out of the many countries all over the world. It's kind of sad when you think about it because there are ways to prevent this disease. Another thing that I remember the most is that there is a 95% unemployment rate in Zimbabwe. This means that 19/20 people living there cannot find jobs. It makes you think of how lucky you are to actually have a job that pays you enough to support your family. Basically, during the whole entire class, we just went over and corrected out homework questions.

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