Monday, September 16, 2013

Behind the Swoosh

    Jim Keady is the co-director and co-founder of the organization called " Educating for Justice". Jim was a pro soccer player along with a soccer coach at St. John's University. While Jim was working at St. John's he was told to be an endorsement for Nike. He was supposed to wear Nike items while the team wore Nike equipment that were given to them. After doing research, Jim discovered that Nike was practically violating everything that the Catholic social teaching is about. He then refused to wear any Nike products. The principal gave him two options: wear Nike and just drop it or he could resign after the year. Even though Jim was told this, he just kept talking about it until he was fired after the year ended. Jim wanted to see how bad the sweatshops really were. He wanted to be physically able to smell them, see them, and touch them. Jim and Leslie traveled to Tangerang, Indonesia to experience it all. They were going to live the daily life of sweatshop workers without doing all the work. They wanted to see how they live with the small amount of money they get. After paying off the rent, electricity, water bill, and any main transportation they have about $1.25 left. With that money, they're supposed to buy food and get any medication they need. Jim and Leslie tried to get into the sweatshops but were denied many times. Once they were denied the first time, the manager of that sweatshop sent out a fax to all the other buildings warning them about these two people. They said that you weren't allowed to talk to them only the managers were allowed to and if you were seen talking to them or anything, then you would have to deal with the consequences. Every time they would get near any of the workers, guards would quickly surround them and they would be under their watch at all times. While you're watching this video, it opens up your eyes and helps you realize that there are bad results of globalization along with the good ones.

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