Saturday, September 21, 2013

First Test of The Year

  On Friday, we had our first test in Human Geography. It was made up of ten multiple choice questions and three essays. The test covered everything that we have learned so far from the meaning of arête to globalization. While we were taking the test, all of the sudden the fire alarm went off. We all had to get up and walk out to the football field and stand there. While we were standing there, Mr. Schick had to take role call just to make sure everyone was with us. After about twenty one minutes, the drill was over and we could finally head back inside. Luckily it was nice out and wasn't too hot or else it would've been worse standing out there. Once we got back into the classroom we had to finish completing the test. If we didn't finish, Mr. Schick would give us extra time due to the fact that the fire drill took time away from the test. I only have to complete one more essay and then I’ll be finished. So far the test is pretty easy to me. Hopefully when I get my test back on Monday to finish it, I’ll see that I did well on the multiple choice part of the test!  

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