Wednesday, September 4, 2013


     Today, we talked more about Socrates and his trial. Socrates would go around and continuously question people. He would offer them other explanations to what they were originally taught and would cause people to think of the overall picture. Some people would even question their own beliefs. For Socrates' trial, he was charged with corrupting the Athens' youth. Out of the 500 jurors of the trial, 280 people found him guilty while 220 said he was innocent. When he was found guilty, he had two choices. He could either be ostracized from Athens or taken the death sentence. Socrates didn't want to be ostracized from Athens because it was embarrassing and shameful. He was given many chances to "sneak" away from the guards but took the death sentence proudly. In the painting of Socrates, everyone looks upset except for him. Its kind of like he had already accepted the fact that he was going to die and faced it with a positive attitude. Socrates' most famous statement was, " the unexamined life is not worth living". Socrates is remembered as someone who died for being proud of his beliefs and wouldn't change for anyone.

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