Saturday, September 7, 2013

Did You Know?

   In class on Friday, we watched the "Did You Know?/ Shift Happens" video. While watching it, it opened up my eyes more. It made me see how big the earth truly is and how much it is still developing day by day. One of the facts that caught my eye was that Facebook has over 800 millions users as of December 2011. With that many people, if Facebook was a country, it would be the 3rd largest country. If you think about it, that's an enormous number of users for a social network site that is still growing daily.  Another fact that interested me was that there are enough text messages being sent and received on a daily basis to exceed the population on earth. The first ever text message was sent in December of 1992, which was about 21 years ago. In 21 years, the human race has sent over 7.046 billion text messages. When you think about it, its kind of understandable since there are 7.046 billions of people in the world and most of them do have cell phones. The one fact that blew my mind the most was that we are being prepared for jobs that don't even exist yet. We're going through all this schooling and stuff when in a few years, the things we learned will just be outdated. We could be preparing for some job in the future that we don't even know anything about yet. I think that this video really helps you realize that every day the world is changing and is growing step by step.

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