Monday, October 28, 2013

5 Major Religions

    Today in class, we split up into groups of three people and were assigned one of the 5 major religions in the world. My group was Alexa, Grant, and me. The 5 major religions are Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism. We were assigned to find information about Judaism. Some things that I learned was that in Judaism, there are a little over 14 million followers in the world and that its Holy Land is located in Jerusalem, Israel. Also, I learned is that instead of having priests like they used to, they have Rabbis. Rabbi, in Hebrew, means "My Teacher". Their job is to instruct the community, answer questions, and resolve any disputes regarding Halakhah. Jews, as what the followers are called, have a holy book called the Torah. The Torah is the central concept of Jewish Tradition and is followed by all Jews and is taught by the Rabbis as faith. I think that today was a pretty successful class and we got a lot done.

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