Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"God Grew Tired of Us"

    "God Grew Tired of Us" is a documentary that follows the refugees of Sudan. In 1983, a religious civil war started between Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan. In Northern Sudan the main religion was Muslim, but in Southern Sudan the main religions were Christian and animist. The Muslims did not accept the fact that they had a different religion so they started to attack. Their one order was to kill all the men and boys living in Southern Sudan. If they didn't kill them, then they were marked. The soldiers would cut their faces, leaving a huge scar across them. This was a reminder to the people who saw them of how much power the northern side had. The soldiers would also capture the women where they would be used as prostitutes or sex slaves. They would either rape them or kill them. Once this all started, over 27,000 males fled Sudan. They marched thousands of miles from Sudan to the Ethiopian border. This process took at least five years. After those five years of traveling, you could barely recognize most of the boys. Most of them were lacking nutrition and were starving. They were so skinny that you could easily count each and every one of their ribs. The boys were also unrecognizable because they had survived bombings from Sudan or attacks by wild animals such as lions or hyenas. After three years past, the Ethiopian government started to have their own problems and forced the thousands of refugees out of the country. The remaining refugees had to pack up everything that they had and travel once again. They had to go down through Sudan to get to the next border, which was Kakuma, Kenya. Once they had finally arrived, there were only about 12,000 people left. These boys were known as "the lost boys".

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