Friday, October 18, 2013

Spirit Week Comes to An End With a Test

    Today we took an AP test for Human Geography. The score on the test wouldn't affect your grade though. Instead, we are using it to see how much we know. When we take another test at the end of the year, we can now compare our final scores to this test and see how much we have learned. Although I didn't get that far in the test, I thought that the test was okay. It wasn't too hard, but it wasn't easy. You just had to remember everything that you have learned.  Personally, I'm not the best at remembering every single detail about each thing that I have learned so it required more thought to try to remember everything. Not only did you have to remember everything that we have covered so far, but there was also stuff on the test that we will be covering in the future. This gave us a general idea of what else we will be learning about this year. Overall, I think I did okay with the questions that I actually answered.

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