Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Start of Religions- Hinduism

    At the begin of class today, we got our tests back. After we were handed back our tests, we went over all the answers. Now that we have all the correct answers, when the final comes around, we will have something to study from. These questions will most likely come up again. Once we finished going over all of the answers, we started learning about the different religions. The first group to present was Grace's group, which was Hinduism. Hinduism has no official founder nor official date that it was created. There are also one billion followers of Hinduism, which makes up about 14% of the world's population. Because of this, it is the third largest religion in the world. They also have two sacred texts called Vendas and Bhagavad Gita. The Vendas is made up of over a thousand hymns and contains the descriptions of Hindu rituals. The Bhagavad Gita is the most important Hindu text and is a poem that describes the belief of afterlife. Hindus believe in Karma. They believe that every action has an equal reaction. If you do a good action, then there will be a positive consequence, but if you do a bad action, then there will be a negative consequence. Another thing that they believe in is that there is one omniscient being that controls everything even other gods called Brahman. Lastly, they believe in Samsara which is the Hindu process of reincarnation. Reincarnation is a continuous cycle of death and rebirth into a new body. If you didn't perform good deeds as a human, then you'll come back as a lower form of life.

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