Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"God Grew Tired Of Us"- Day 2

    The documentary picked up where the selected males were boarding to go to America. The United States allowed a selective group of boys, now men, to fly to the states where they would be given new homes. They were given a second chance to start their life over. This was a take it or leave it offer. No one was forcing them to go or to stay at the camp. Three of those males were, John Bul Dau, Daniel Abul Pach, and Panther Bior. Daniel and Panther had become best friends when they became refugees. They were all excited to go to the United States. When they got there they would have to adapt to the new surroundings and have to learn how to do things like use electricity, shower, go grocery shopping, and other necessities to living. When all the refugees were on the plane, they were so interested in everything that was going on. They kept touching the walls, looking at the remote, kept looking outside, and kept trying all the foods. While they were eating, they thought that the wipe that you used to clean your hands after you eat was a type of food so they ate it. They also ate the whole butter squares that they give you along with the plain jelly. The funny thing about this was that Panther said that the food on the airplane wasn't as good as the food they had back at the camp. After traveling from Kakuma to Kenya to Belgium to the United States, they had finally reached their location. Panther and Daniel shared a room in Pittsburgh, PA while John went to Syracuse, NY. They had to learn how to turn on the lights, flush the toilet, where to throw out the trash, and other activities that are used in the regular household. Even though they were in America, they would still constantly think about the others back home and wonder how they were all doing. John always wondered why he had a good place to live, but the others back home didn't. He would always remember how while they were fleeing the country, he was in charge on digging the hole and burying the kids who died along the way. He was only thirteen then but he was given it because of his height. Panther said that if he could, he would send something from America to the people back home to help them out. He wished that he could help take care of everyone there and fix their problems.Most of the refugees didn't allow the thought of how lucky they were to be able to go to America get to their head. Instead, they thought they were blessed and would remain grounded by keeping their culture alive.

1 comment:

  1. These are GREAT blogs! You are picking up on all the important points, and you have the ability to convey this information clearly in your writing. Keep up the terrific work!
