Saturday, October 5, 2013

"God Grew Tired of Us"- Day 3

     When class started, we finally got our tests back. We went over all of the answers and then picked up with the documentary, "God Grew Tired of Us". In the documentary, the few refugees that had the chance of going to America have been there for over two months now. When they were there, they wanted to fit it but they didn't want to lose their cultural things. For example, they knew how to use utensils but instead they used their hands while eating. They did this because this is how they ate back home. As Christmas came along, they were slightly confused of the regular American traditions like Santa Claus or christmas trees. In Kakuma, they would celebrate Christmas by singing loudly and dancing around. When it snowed, Daniel and Panther tried to ride their bikes through the snow and were fascinated by the ice rink. Within two months, the boys we are following got jobs. Daniel got a job at the nearby bank and had to process checks. He was paid $6.50 an hour, which was more than minimum wage back then. John got two part time jobs. He would go from making baskets in a factory to grilling McDonalds' hamburgers later that night.We also discovered that John was originally from a tribe called Dinka. Dinka was a tribe made up of tall Africans. While the lost boys were in America, they were becoming lonely. Even though they had the other refugees with them, it wasn't the same. They missed their other friends and desperately wanted to find their families. They constantly tried to contact their family but they really didn't even know if they were alive anymore.

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