Friday, October 25, 2013

End of First Quater

   Today was the last day of the first quarter. We took a quiz today that was worth 50 points. It was on the PowerPoint that we've been going over in class. Not only did we take the quiz, but we are also getting a 50 point grade for class participation along with our blog grades. Even though I think that I got a few questions wrong, I still think that I did well. For starters, I know that I got at least one of them wrong because I switched the answer from Switzerland to China. I only changed it because I was over thinking and I thought that it meant that out of the three homogeneous countries, which of those three was the least homogeneous. Instead, it meant which of the countries was heterogeneous and had multiple ethnic cultures. As long as the incoming grades help my grade and doesn't affect it, then I'm completely happy with them. Personally, I would rather have my grade above 90 throughout the whole semester but that's just me.

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