Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More About Population Pyramids

     When we first started class today, we got back our quiz that we took that was about the lost boys. We went over the answers so we would all have the correct ones to study from when the exam comes. After we checked the quiz, we picked back up on population pyramids. Recall that population pyramids are used to analyze the growth or decline of fertility, mortality, and migration in cities. The graphs are usually measured in the amount of people or the percentage of each population. When we say that it is a box pyramid, we don't mean a completely even box. There is usually a bugle in the graph where there are the most people. We looked at many different types of pyramid examples that ranged from Michigan to Kansas. In Michigan, there is an increase in the category for women from the range of 20-24 years old. This is because there is a popular all women's' college located there. In Kansas, there is more of an increase around the 20-35 range. This is because there is a main prison there where people would spend a long time in jail and would be considered a resident there. Mostly males were located there. By looking at these graphs, you can tell which places have more people in each of the three categories; the oldies, the economically active, and the kiddos.

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