Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Debate on Nationalism

     Well today in class, we debated on nationalism. Nationalism is the belief that your nation is superior to all others. People all around the world always say, "(insert country name) is the best country ever woo!". Well technically, in my opinion, that's not true at all. There isn't a number one country out there, it doesn't exist. I mean sure there are pretty great countries out there like America and such but none of them rank to be number one. A perfect country doesn't exist. All of them have flaws or problems going on. Each of the countries have pros that causes them to rank higher, but then they also have cons that bring them lower than they were before. The pros and cons basically even each other out. If someone says that America is the best, then they have to give reasoning. What makes America so better than all the other 196 countries out there? Let's be real here, America isn't number one like people portray it to be. People have such a high expectation of what life is like living in America that they don't see the imperfections of it. America has issues all throughout it. For example, the government is a big one. It was shut down for sixteen days because they couldn't agree on what to do about Obama Care. People weren't working or getting paid and the things run by the government were shut down temporarily. Not only that but we are also about 17.1 trillion dollars in debt. Another reason why America isn't number one is that even though we have freedom of speech, we still have to watch what we say. Many Americans don't share their opinions on things because they are afraid of someone bashing them for it. They are afraid that they will get yelled at for expressing the opinion that is not the same as the other person's opinion. America also has an extremely high crime rate. There are about 12,408,899 people who have committed a crime in America. That's extremely high if you think about it. Why would people want to go to America if there is such a high crime rate? I believe that there is no real number one country out there, but there are countries out there that are close. Take Canada for example and just look at the. Its all pretty calm there, their government is doing well, they don't really cause any drama, and they have maple syrup. Let's be real now, maple syrup is a plus. Don't get me wrong, America is a great country, but its definitely not number one!

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